Our World Is Changing & Horses Can Guide Us

The nature of change is that it is constant, and we are all seeing this happen right in front of our eyes at rapid speed with the onset of the COVID crisis. As I have navigated changes throughout my life, I’ve found it’s easy to get stuck in the struggle between hanging on and letting go. When this happens, I seek the horse for wisdom and guidance. Why? The answer is easy: I go to the horse because that’s where I always get my answers!  Their tranquil environment grounds me to Mother Earth. Harmony is restored, inspiration flows once again.  

I have always said that “horses are the Heaven on Earth.” That is because they emanate Divine light. Over the years I have given clinics and there have always been “God moments” I describe as ah-ha moments because they are moments that take your breath away. You can’t explain them, or how they happen, but the magic/mystical is undeniable. It’s one of the reasons I love giving clinics, so that others can see, feel, and experience such moments that can only be explained as God’s grace in motion. The light that shines through horses is one of power and has the energy to transform. Ask any Equine therapist whose success depends on that very transformational energy. As for myself, I can only declare I am who I am because of the horse.  

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Change is in the air and now more than ever our feet need to be connected to Mother Earth while we keep our spirits tuned to divine guidance. As I look to the horse for teachings, I learn from horses the community/whole is greater than the one. This caring community mindset that horses share has kept them alive for eons and is a tried and true template that has worked for over 50 million years. We can learn from them.   

Horses can help us as we take on the challenges of the uncertainty we are experiencing.  Keeping our own spirits calm and relaxed during the turbulence is not easy, however it is our primary task before we can successfully navigate the many changes that are coming. For those like myself who are privileged to have horses in our backyard, we are only a few steps away from our herd’s grounding and assurance that all is well during this crisis and it is.  

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What is in the air? God is brewing something and it is being felt around the world. We’ve been hearing reports of the Mother of God appearing this entire century in various places beginning with Fatima, Portugal (1917)  and currently in Medjegoria, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Closer to home, I experienced a mystical encounter with the Virgin Mary almost 30 years ago, and all I can say is from that moment I have never been the same. I share a strong devotion to the Mother of God and the prophetic messages that she is sharing with us. Her messages are of hope for the times that are upon us. My gift of communicating with animals is something I owe to her. 

Horses have weathered every modern crisis and they are still with us. They can help us ride the storm of the times we are living through. Being with my horses helps me to resonate in peace. Because of them I have no excuse for not living in harmony and keeping with others. It is the way of the horse. It is True Connection. 

This harmony is cultivated within our beings. Horses taught me to find it first within myself and then reside there. Of course, it’s impossible to do so all the time however when you fail, you simply reboot and default to harmony. Horses are gentle and kind teachers. They want so much for us to get their community mind set. The simple kindness and love we experience with our domestic animals is overwhelmingly rewarding and we find it often easier to love our animals more than our fellow brothers and sisters and I get it! When we’re not all in the community mind set, people can be difficult!

Harmony comes from order. Social creatures require order and it is pronounced throughout the animal kingdom; horses, wolves, ants, and human families are just a few examples. God is a God of order. The seasons, sunsets, and sunrises are examples of an unimpeachable order even amid chaos. I feel the reason we have such turbulence is because we don’t have order, beginning with our relationship with God. In the Virgin Mary’s messages she appeals for all of humanity to return to God.  

I dream of a community like the native Americans experienced. Their religion was “communing” with God through the day; honor and gratitude poured forth from such connection. This is also how I am feeling and what I mean when I say I can’t separate my spirituality from horses.  It’s all connection - we are one.

Love is our most powerful force.  Allow the beauty of connection to horses, life, and one another to nourish our souls as we ride the waves of change. 

Love & abundance to all, 

Linda j & The Salinas Herd ❤️ 

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