EQUESTRIANS ....Join Forces

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Coming together

Friday’s 3:00pm

We can’t stop this onslaught, but we can make things better in small ways. Even as we must stay apart from each other, we can still come together to bring some comfort and stability to a most uncomfortable and destabilizing time.  

Beginning March 27, I am inviting the equestrian community to join me Fridays at 3:00 Eastern Time as we unite ourselves. Whether that is through prayer, meditation, thoughts, service – it doesn’t matter as long as your spirit and your soul are fully present and engaged for the time you take to become one with this communal energy. And when I say let’s unite ourselves, I’m not talking just about horsemen, or Gaston County, or North Carolina. I’m talking about our world.

Equestrians are down-to-earth people. And their basic nature is that they know how to help one another. Horsemen also understand that horses connect us to the divine and mystical.  And this is why it is through that community I want to join forces, to bring our spiritual energy to stand soul-to-soul with the unprecedented psychic upheaval that is disrupting our planet. 

So every Friday at 3pm I am asking the equestrian community to take a moment, a second, a pause – any little fragment of time -- to add to a global effort to heal our common pain. If you don’t feel comfortable joining in this group endeavor, can you send a message via Facebook or privately, so we can add your energy to the effort?

We all feel so small in the looming shadow of this sinister threat, but every small gesture or action of goodness will be knitted into the larger tapestry of hope that will warm us with comfort and purpose. 

Tune in to True Connection Live this Friday to join with me and other horsemen (observing social distancing of course) as we pray together to bring light to the darkness.

Let us demonstrate true connection,


**We will be joining other groups who are also coming together at this time, Caroline Myss has a group.

Linda j Salinas1 Comment